Born on a farm near Dundee, Michigan in December 1855, Judson Van de Venter wanted to be an artist. After graduating from college, he became an art teacher and later a supervisor of art in the public schools of Sharon, Pennsylvania. He was also an active layman in his church and became involved in evangelistic meetings. As he remembers, “I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evangelistic work.” Recognizing his unusual talent for Christian service his friends urged him to leave teaching and become an evangelist. The pivotal time came and he surrendered his life to God’s purpose. Recalling this day of decision, he wrote the text for, I SURRENDER ALL. It was first published in 1896.
The music was composed by Winfield Weeden who worked with Judson singing and directing the music for their ministry.
Mr. Van de Venter had a marked influence on Billy Graham’s life and his early preaching ministry.