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The story of Samuel Medley is a similar story often repeated through out the generations.  He was born in 1738 in an English village.  His father and grandfather were sincere believers, who planted seeds of grace in Samuel’s heart.  Yet it took years for them to sprout.  At the age of fourteen Samuel moved to London, and three years later joined the British navy.  His three years aboard a warship in the Mediterranean were spent in corruption and carelessness.  His remarkable personality made him everyone’s friend but he wanted nothing to do with godliness or godly people.  During a battle with the French…his leg was seriously injured and his wounds became gangrenous.


One night the surgeon told him his leg would need to be amputated the next day unless there was a marked improvement.  Remembering that he had a Bible buried deep in his sea chest, he got it out.  Earnestly, he cried to God for mercy and read his Bible all night.  The next morning, the surgeon was amazed at the difference and his leg was spared.  He returned to convalesce at his grandfather’s house.  Soon he was baptized and sensed the call to preach.  He shared the story about his Saviour whose name he once profaned.


During his career, Samuel wrote 230 hymns, including, I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES!  The Bible is clear when it states that God is not willing that any should perish.  He loves everyone and dearly wants all to live!  Sometimes people will not respond to His love and redemption until they have reached very deep and low places in life.  Jesus Christ went through the lowest place of death and the grave for you and I.  Now He lives so that we might live too.

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